The clinical picture starts with attacks of morning cough
during the winter, and progresses to chronic cough with intermittent
exacerbations, often initiated by a cold, when the sputum becomes purulent
('chronic bronchitis'). There is progressive breathlessness. Some patients
have a reversible component of airflow obstruction identifiable by an
improved FEV1 following a dose of bronchodilator. Pulmonary
hypertension is a late complication, causing symptoms of heart failure (cor
pulmonale). Exacerbations may be complicated by type 1 or type 2
respiratory failure (i.e. reduced PAo2
alone or with increased PAco2,
respectively) requiring hospitalisation and intensive care. Tracheostomy and
artificial ventilation, while prolonging survival, may serve only to return
the patient to a miserable life.
There is small airways fibrosis,
resulting in obstruction, and/or destruction of alveoli and of elastin fibres
in the lung parenchyma. The latter features are hallmarks of emphysema,
thought to be caused by proteases, including elastase, released during the
inflammatory response. Small airways obstruction and emphysema vary
independently of one another. The explanation for this variation is unknown.
It is emphysema that causes respiratory failure, because it destroys the
alveoli, impairing gas transfer. There is chronic inflammation, predominantly
in small airways and lung parenchyma, characterised by increased numbers of
macrophages, neutrophils, and T lymphocytes. The inflammatory mediators have
not been as clearly defined as in asthma. Lipid mediators, inflammatory
peptides, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, chemokines, cytokines and
growth factors are all implicated.
of treatment.
Stopping smoking slows the progress of
COPD. Patients should be immunised against influenza and Pneumococcus,
because superimposed infections with these organisms are potentially lethal.
Glucocorticoids are generally ineffective, in contrast to asthma, but a trial
of glucocorticoid treatment is worthwhile because asthma may coexist with
COPD and have been overlooked. This contrast with asthma is puzzling, because
in both diseases multiple inflammatory genes are activated, which might be
expected to be turned off by glucocorticoids. Inflammatory gene activation
results from acetylation of nuclear histones around which DNA is wound.
Acetylation opens up the chromatin structure, allowing gene transcription and
synthesis of inflammatory proteins to proceed. HDAC is a key molecule in
suppressing production of proinflammatory cytokines. Corticosteroids recruit
HDAC to activated genes, reversing acetylation and switching off inflammatory
gene transcription. There is a link between the severity of COPD (but not of
asthma) and reduced HDAC activity in lung tissue , furthermore, HDAC activity
is inhibited by smoking-related oxidative stress, which may explain the lack
of effectiveness of glucocorticoids in COPD.
Long-acting bronchodilators have been a worthwhile if
modest advance in the treatment of COPD, but do not deal with the underlying
inflammation. No currently licensed treatments reduce the progression of COPD
or suppress the inflammation in small airways and lung parenchyma. Several
new treatments that target the inflammatory process are in clinical
development (Barnes & Stockley, 2005). Some, such as chemokine
antagonists, are directed against the influx of inflammatory cells into the
airways and lung parenchyma, whereas others target inflammatory cytokines
such as TNF-α. PDE IV inhibitors (e.g. roflumilast; Rabe et al., 2005) show some promise. Other drugs
that inhibit cell signalling include
inhibitors of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, nuclear factor κB and
phosphoinositide-3 kinase-γ. More specific approaches are to give
antioxidants, inhibitors of inducible NO synthase and leukotriene B4
antagonists. Other treatments have the potential to combat mucus
hypersecretion, and there is a search for serine proteinase and matrix
metalloproteinase inhibitors to prevent lung destruction and the development
of emphysema.
aspects of treatment.
Short- and long-acting inhaled bronchodilators can provide useful palliation
in patients with a reversible component. The main short-acting drugs are ipratropium
and salbutamol ; long-acting drugs include tiotropium and salmeterol or formoterol .
can be given by mouth but is of uncertain benefit. Its respiratory stimulant
effect may be useful for patients who tend to retain CO2. Other
respiratory stimulants (e.g. doxapram; are sometimes used briefly in
acute respiratory failure (e.g. postoperatively) but have largely been
replaced by ventilatory support (intermittent positive-pressure ventilation).
Acute exacerbations of COPD are treated with inhaled O2 in
a concentration (initially, at least) of only 24% O2, i.e. only
just above atmospheric O2 concentration (approximately 20%). The
need for caution is because of the risk of precipitating CO2
retention as a consequence of terminating the hypoxic drive to respiration.
Blood gases and tissue oxygen saturation are monitored, and inspired O2
subsequently adjusted accordingly. Broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g. cefuroxime;
including activity against Haemophilus influenzae are used if there is
evidence of infection. Inhaled bronchodilators may provide some symptomatic
A systemically active glucocorticoid (intravenous hydrocortisone
or oral prednisolone)
is also administered routinely, although efficacy is modest. Inhaled steroids
do not influence the progressive decline in lung function in patients with
COPD, but do improve the quality of life, probably as a result of a modest
reduction in hospital admissions.